My sister, Julia and I went to the New Kids concert on November 19th, 2008. It had been 19 years since we first saw them in Toronto at the Maple Leaf Gardens. I was 14 and my sister was 12.
The stage looked similar to the one they used the first time, but it's had a few modifications. We had slightly better seats this time as we were behind the stage the first time. Also the first time there were so many screaming girls that you couldn't hear the show. This time was a little better, but it was still lots of screaming women.
Lady Gaga and Natasha Beddingfield opened the show. I didn't care for Lady Gaga's show as she only directed it to the people directly in front of her and not to the rest of the crowd. Natasha Beddingfield put on a great show and she directed it to everyone. She sounds as good live as she does on her recordings. I had a great time at the show and enjoyed it more than I expected to.